More about Sandra…

Sandra S. McRae never uses the same author’s bio twice. If you don’t believe it, check here often. And quit being so suspicious and incredulous.


Sandra S. McRae has long suspected that we are not living up to our full potential as a species and recent events sadly confirm her suspicions.


Sandra S. McRae would rather not comment just now. She has something in her eye.


Raised on a small equestrian farm in south-central Paraguay, Sandra S. McRae often yearns for the tasty comfort of homemade Budín. Her grandmother’s budinera is one of her most prized possessions.


Sandra S. McRae thinks you are pretty damn terrific.


Sandra S. McRae is a skillful plagiarist currently plotting to steal your work next, even as you read this. She eschews punditry and miserly squabbling. Raised in suburban southwest Denver, she has never held a prejudice against prairie dogs. Her hobbies are fencing, ballroom yoga, and hunger strike reenactments.


Sandra S. McRae often marvels at people’s rabid desire to puff themselves up in brief but concentrated strings of 15 modifiers or less. She is mostly nice and sometimes generous.


Sandra S. McRae has a master’s degree in creative writing and an embarrassing fear of clowns—there was an incident at a circus when she was seven. Although raised in the dead center of a continent, Sandra is an avid snorkeler. Her list of publications, not included here, would only make you feel slightly inadequate, so don’t ask. She lives in the mountains, with abandon.


Sandra S. McRae is currently in revolt. Please check back at a later date.


Okay, okay, enough already…click here to read my real vita, if you’re so inclined.